Citizenship or residency status
Please select one option Australian Citizen
New Zealand Citizen
Permanent Resident
Overseas Student Visa
Permanent Humanitarian Visa
Course List
Please select one option CC44 - Associate Degree in Public Health (specialisation)
CL06 - Associate Degree of Aviation
CC01 - Associate Degree of Building Design
CB99 - Associate Degree of Building Surveying
CH71 - Associate Degree of Creative Arts
CM72 - Associate Degree of Digital Business Leadership
CC26 - Associate Degree of Digital Media
CC02 - Associate Degree of Engineering
CL48 - Associate Degree of Health Care
CL92 - Associate Degree of Health Care
CB70 - Associate Degree of Health Science
CG82 - Associate Degree of Human Services
CA99 - Associate Degree of Information Technology
CM22 - Associate Degree of Music
CG48 - Associate Degree of Occupational Health and Safety
CL95 - Associate Degree of Paralegal Studies
CL08 - Associate Degree of Property
CM06 - Associate Degree of Theatre
CQ01 - Bachelor of Accounting
CQ91 - Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Business
CV85 - Bachelor of Agriculture
CA10 - Bachelor of Arts
CA44 - Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
CB06 - Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business
CL09 - Bachelor of Aviation
CL29 - Bachelor of Aviation (Commercial Pilot)
CU65 - Bachelor of Building Design
CC61 - Bachelor of Building Surveying and Certification (Honours)
CG90 - Bachelor of Building Surveying and Inspection
CL86 - Bachelor of Business
CV68 - Bachelor of Cardiac Physiology
CC62 - Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)
CH72 - Bachelor of Creative Arts
CL75 - Bachelor of Criminology
CC24 - Bachelor of Digital Media
CV69 - Bachelor of Echocardiography and Cardiac Physiology / Graduate Diploma of Echocardiography
CC14 - Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
CC12 - Bachelor of Education (Primary)
CC13 - Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
CC60 - Bachelor of Emergency Service
CC31 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
CL72 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Construction) and Diploma of Construction Management
CL76 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Design) and Diploma of Building Design
CL73 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Control and Instrumentation) and Bachelor of Information Technology (Application Development)
CM41 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major) and Diploma of Project Management
CM15 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Major) and Master of Project Management in Engineering
CC32 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Diploma of Professional Practice (Co-op Engineering)
CG21 - Bachelor of Engineering Technology
CA42 - Bachelor of Environmental Science
CG85 - Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Sciences
CB66 - Bachelor of Health Science
CM51 - Bachelor of Health and Rehabilitation Science
CB69 - Bachelor of Hospitality Management
CG83 - Bachelor of Human Services
CQ18 - Bachelor of Information Technology
CG99 - Bachelor of Information Technology (Co-op)
CG98 - Bachelor of Laws
CB68 - Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Accounting
CB94 - Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts
CL53 - Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business
CL94 - Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Criminology
CL54 - Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Information Technology
CL52 - Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Property
CL51 - Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
CG92 - Bachelor of Medical Imaging
CL10 - Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Honours)
CM17 - Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathway to Medicine)
CG93 - Bachelor of Medical Science (Specialisation)
CG91 - Bachelor of Medical Sonography/Graduate Diploma of Medical Sonography
CM16 - Bachelor of Midwifery (Graduate Entry)
CK30 - Bachelor of Midwifery (Graduate Entry)
CG51 - Bachelor of Music
CL91 - Bachelor of Nursing
CM77 - Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse Pathway)
CM60 - Bachelor of Nutrition
CM61 - Bachelor of Nutrition / Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
CM62 - Bachelor of Nutrition and Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
CQ26 - Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety
CB84 - Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
CB29 - Bachelor of Oral Health
CG95 - Bachelor of Paramedic Science
CM40 - Bachelor of Paramedic Science/Graduate Certificate in Emergency and Disaster Management
CB85 - Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
CB86 - Bachelor of Podiatry (Honours)
CG04 - Bachelor of Professional Communication
CF56 - Bachelor of Property
CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science
CC42 - Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
CC59 - Bachelor of Public Health (Specialisation)
CB77 - Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic)
CL55 - Bachelor of Science (Criminology and Psychology)
CG84 - Bachelor of Science (Honours)
CF59 - Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
CU18 - Bachelor of Science and Environment
CL71 - Bachelor of Social Work
CC48 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
CB87 - Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)
CC21 - Bachelor of Teaching
CG72 - Bachelor of Theatre
CU26 - Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
CM31 - Diploma of Accounting Studies
CM13 - Diploma of Agricultural Studies
CF36 - Diploma of Arts
CM56 - Diploma of Australian Law
CL87 - Diploma of Business Studies
CM55 - Diploma of Business in the Digital Age
CM10 - Diploma of Criminology
CC25 - Diploma of Digital Media
CC15 - Diploma of Education
CL12 - Diploma of Financial Planning
CL93 - Diploma of Health Care
CL49 - Diploma of Health Care
CM76 - Diploma of Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Innovation
CG36 - Diploma of Information and Communications Technology
CL96 - Diploma of Legal Studies
CC41 - Diploma of Music
CK29 - Diploma of Professional Communication
CL14 - Diploma of Property
CC10 - Diploma of Secondary School Teaching
CL01 - Diploma of Theatre
CQ16 - Doctor of Education
CL81 - Doctor of Philosophy
CM33 - Doctor of Philosophy (Industry)
CD84 - Doctor of Philosophy by Portfolio
CM71 - Food Science: Fermentation for Food and Beverage Product Development
CC19 - Graduate Certificate in Asset and Maintenance Management
CC51 - Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
CM08 - Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (Leadership)
CM38 - Graduate Certificate in Business Consulting
CL16 - Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing
CH86 - Graduate Certificate in Clinical Ultrasound
CL69 - Graduate Certificate in Correctional Nursing
CL64 - Graduate Certificate in Counter-Terrorism and Operational Medicine
CM14 - Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing
CM05 - Graduate Certificate in Cross-Cultural Practice
CV74 - Graduate Certificate in Domestic and Family Violence Practice
CM21 - Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership
CM11 - Graduate Certificate in Educational Neuroscience
CC27 - Graduate Certificate in Emergency and Disaster Management
CH80 - Graduate Certificate in Emergency and Health Services Management
CM37 - Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability
CH81 - Graduate Certificate in Facilitating Men’s Behaviour Change
CC78 - Graduate Certificate in Fatigue Risk Management
CM88 - Graduate Certificate in High-Performance Para Sport
CC29 - Graduate Certificate in Information Systems
CC28 - Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
CM42 - Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Entrepreneurship
CH76 - Graduate Certificate in Management
CL56 - Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing
CL02 - Graduate Certificate in Nursing (International Registered Nurse Entry)
CH79 - Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Re-Entry)
CM59 - Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
CH84 - Graduate Certificate in Positive Psychology
CM74 - Graduate Certificate in Procurement Innovation
CC38 - Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting
CC33 - Graduate Certificate in Project Management
CL46 - Graduate Certificate in Public Health
CV76 - Graduate Certificate in Religious Education
CL58 - Graduate Certificate in Research
CV88 - Graduate Certificate in Social Innovation Leadership
CM87 - Graduate Certificate in Sport Integrity Leadership
CM75 - Graduate Certificate in Strategic Supply Chain Operations
CM84 - Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Development
CH77 - Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Management
CG68 - Graduate Certificate in Tertiary and Adult Education
CM66 - Graduate Certificate in Workplace Wellbeing
CC20 - Graduate Diploma of Asset and Maintenance Management
CM54 - Graduate Diploma of Aviation
CL17 - Graduate Diploma of Aviation (Flight Operations)
CC52 - Graduate Diploma of Business Administration
CM07 - Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (Leadership)
CL74 - Graduate Diploma of Cardiac Ultrasound
CL18 - Graduate Diploma of Clinical Nursing
CL83 - Graduate Diploma of Construction Management
CL70 - Graduate Diploma of Counter-Terrorism and Operational Medicine
CV79 - Graduate Diploma of Domestic and Family Violence Practice
CM79 - Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
CM39 - Graduate Diploma of Emergency and Disaster Management
CV87 - Graduate Diploma of Engineering
CB57 - Graduate Diploma of Health Promotion
CC67 - Graduate Diploma of Human Resource Management
CC47 - Graduate Diploma of Information Systems
CC46 - Graduate Diploma of Information Technology
CM36 - Graduate Diploma of International Business
CM19 - Graduate Diploma of Laboratory Medicine
CM35 - Graduate Diploma of Leading Organisational Change
CM34 - Graduate Diploma of Marketing
CC69 - Graduate Diploma of Mental Health Nursing
CL89 - Graduate Diploma of Nutrition
CC77 - Graduate Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety
CC70 - Graduate Diploma of Paramedic Science (Critical Care Practice)
CL19 - Graduate Diploma of Positive Psychology
CC35 - Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting
CV81 - Graduate Diploma of Project Management
CL44 - Graduate Diploma of Public Health
CM83 - Graduate Diploma of Sustainable Development
CC34 - Graduate Diploma of Teaching
CM65 - Graduate Diploma of Workplace Wellbeing
CD85 - Master by Research (Offshore)
CL41 - Master of Applied Positive Psychology
CM63 - Master of Arts
CC18 - Master of Asset and Maintenance Management
CL20 - Master of Business Administration
CL97 - Master of Business Administration (Global)
CL84 - Master of Business Administration (International)
CL39 - Master of Business Administration (Leadership)
CL21 - Master of Business Management
CC71 - Master of Clinical Chiropractic
CM89 - Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
CL22 - Master of Clinical Nursing
CG17 - Master of Clinical Psychology
CM49 - Master of Clinical Psychology (Advanced Entry)
CL82 - Master of Construction Management
CF08 - Master of Creative Writing
CL23 - Master of Domestic and Family Violence Practice
CM20 - Master of Educational Leadership
CL85 - Master of Educational Neuroscience
CM52 - Master of Emergency and Disaster Management
CV82 - Master of Engineering
CC53 - Master of Information Systems
CC54 - Master of Information Technology
CM18 - Master of Laboratory Medicine
CC74 - Master of Management for Engineers
CM53 - Master of Medical Ultrasound
CV83 - Master of Medical Ultrasound
CL24 - Master of Mental Health Nursing
CM85 - Master of Nurse Practitioner
CM73 - Master of Nursing (Graduate Entry)
CL88 - Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
CM12 - Master of Paramedic Science (Critical Care Practice)
CH87 - Master of Paramedic Science (Primary Healthcare Practice)
CC57 - Master of Professional Accounting
CM47 - Master of Professional Accounting Accelerated
CL68 - Master of Professional Psychology
CV84 - Master of Project Management
CL45 - Master of Public Health
CL80 - Master of Research
CL90 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
CM82 - Master of Sustainable Development
CM43 - Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
CC45 - Master of Teaching (Primary)
CL05 - Master of Teaching (Secondary)
CM64 - Master of Workplace Wellbeing
CD86 - PhD (Offshore)
CM45 - Professional Certificate in Business (Data Science)
CM50 - Professional Certificate in Business (e-Commerce)
CM78 - Professional Certificate in First Nations Learning, History and Culture
CM68 - Professional Certificate in Positive Workplace Interventions
CM69 - Professional Certificate in Workplace Communication Skills
CM70 - Professional Certificate in Workplace Resilience
CM67 - Professional Certificate in Workplace Wellbeing Management
CL03 - Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS)
CG41 - Start Uni Now
CO57 - Study Abroad (CQUGlobal Inbound Program)
CM58 - Undergraduate Certificate in Accounting
CM28 - Undergraduate Certificate in Bioscience for Chiropractic
CM57 - Undergraduate Certificate in Business Studies
CM25 - Undergraduate Certificate in Drama
CM29 - Undergraduate Certificate in General Science
CM24 - Undergraduate Certificate in Information Technology
CM23 - Undergraduate Certificate in Introductory Engineering
CM30 - Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Science
CM27 - Undergraduate Certificate in Music
CM26 - Undergraduate Certificate in Music Theatre
CC17 - Advanced Diploma of Applied Sociology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL63 - Associate Degree of Applied Technology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CB83 - Associate Degree of Aviation (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CB67 - Bachelor of Accident Forensics (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC16 - Bachelor of Applied Sociology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CU51 - Bachelor of Aviation (Technology) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CA01 - Bachelor of Business (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CU47 - Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Professional Communication (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CH75 - Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CV70 - Bachelor of Logistics (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CQ23 - Bachelor of Nursing (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CZ11 - CQUniversity International Foundation Program (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CG08 - Diploma of Aviation Theory (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CM09 - Diploma of Business Studies (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CG01 - Diploma of Business Studies (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CU56 - Doctor of Professional Studies (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC63 - Graduate Certificate in Accident Phenomenology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC65 - Graduate Certificate in Advanced Accident Investigation Practice (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC49 - Graduate Certificate in Advanced Safety Science Practice (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL61 - Graduate Certificate in Applied Forensic Psychology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL15 - Graduate Certificate in Authentic Leadership (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CB82 - Graduate Certificate in Creative Industries (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL04 - Graduate Certificate in Creative and Professional Practice (Major) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CM04 - Graduate Certificate in Cyber Analytics (Advanced) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CV73 - Graduate Certificate in Dementia Studies (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CH83 - Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership (Major) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CV86 - Graduate Certificate in Engineering (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL67 - Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL79 - Graduate Certificate in Gerontology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CV75 - Graduate Certificate in Healthy Ageing (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CV77 - Graduate Certificate in Strategic Innovation (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC50 - Graduate Diploma of Accident Investigation (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CM02 - Graduate Diploma of Cyber Analytics (Advanced) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CV78 - Graduate Diploma of Dementia Studies (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL65 - Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL78 - Graduate Diploma of Gerontology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CV80 - Graduate Diploma of Healthy Ageing (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL50 - Graduate Diploma of Public Administration (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC76 - Master of Advanced Safety Science Practice (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL98 - Master of Cyber Analytics (Advanced) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL66 - Master of Financial Planning (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL77 - Master of Gerontology (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC05 - Master of Health Professional Education (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC72 - Master of Human Resource Management (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC75 - Master of Podiatry Practice (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CC79 - Master of Safety Science (Major) (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)
CL47 - Tertiary Entry Program (NO NEW ENROLMENTS)